Author = Gh. H. Tahmasbi
Identification of Enterococcus bacteria in gastrointestinal tract of dwarf honey bee, Apis florea Fabricius, 1973 (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Volume 37, Issue 2, August 2017, Pages 263-272

Sh. Parichehreh; Gh. Tahmasbi; A. Sarafrazi; S. Imani; N. Tajabadi

Foraging initiation and foraging behavior in high and low performance of Iranian honeybee, Apis mellifera meda (Hym.: Apidae), colonies

Volume 34, Issue 3, December 2014, Pages 27-33

Z. Tahmasbi; Gh. H. Tahmasbi; R. Osfoori; M. A, Ebrahimi; M. Babaei

New Report of Lepisiota semenovi ( Hym .: Formicidae) in Iran

Volume 22, Issue 1, September 2002, Pages 83-84

H. Alipanah; Gh. Tahmasebi