About Journal

Journal of Entomological Society of Iran (JESI) is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published by the Entomological Society of Iran (ESI). JESI has about 50 years of background which has been published since 1974.

It covers all areas of entomological research, i.e. insect systematics and biodiversity, agricultural entomology, forest entomology, medical, urban and veterinary entomology, apiculture, sericulture, insect biology, insect ecology, insect physiology and behavior, plant resistance to insects, vectors of plant pathogens, biological control, insect pathology, molecular entomology, integrated pest management, acarology, and toxicology.

The journal will consider submissions as full research papers, short communication and review papers from all over the world on research works that were not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Submitted articles should be written in English with Persian abstract or in Persian with an English abstract. Special issues are encouraged. Don't hesitate to contact the Chief Editor for further information.