Aims and Scope

Principles of Transparency

Journal of Entomological Society of Iran (JESI) is an official quarterly publication of the Entomological Society of Iran (ESI), founded in 1974. The journal accepts manuscripts from all areas of entomology and related fields to provide up-to-date information about arthropod diversity and develop eco-friendly pest control applications in accordance with internationally approved approaches.

The JESI is devoted to increasing knowledge of insect science, acarology, and arthropod pests in addition to insect systematics and biodiversity, agricultural entomology, forest entomology, medical, urban and veterinary entomology, apiculture, sericulture, insect biology, insect ecology, insect physiology and behavior, plant resistance to insects, vectors of plant pathogens, biological control, insect pathology, molecular entomology, pesticide toxicology, and integrated pest management.  Manuscripts from other groups of arthropods with significant roles in agriculture or the environment are welcomed. Moreover, interdisciplinary studies with strong entomological views are welcomed.

Revenue/advertising and marketing

The JESI is financially supported by the ESI. This is a unique source of support. The journal is disinclined to carry any advertisements on the website or through its publications.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses used during registration will be exclusively used for the publication process of the manuscripts. They will not be shared for any other purposes with third parties.

Submission and publication fee

 The journal approved a publication fee ( 2 million Rial) effective in March 2022. All journal contents are free of charge online, without a prior subscription, and remain accessible from the first issue, which dates back to September 1974.


The JESI’s contents are freely available through its permanent website. The papers are deposited in international (Zenodo ) and national [(Scientific Information Database (SID), Magiran, Google Scholar, and ISC) repositories. All authors can archive all versions of their papers in personal or university/ institute repositories. The National Library and Archives of Iran, the central libraries of the University of Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, and the Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, have printed copies of the JESI.