Five new aphids from two genera Staticobium Morav. and Protaphis CB for Iranian fauna


Plant Pests & Diseases Research Institutes, P.O.Box 19395-1454 Tehran, Iran


The paper contains the description of apterous viviparous females and alate viviparous females of Protaphis alexandrae Nevsky, Protaphis anuraphidoides Nevsky, apterous viviparous females of Protoaphis elongata Nevsky living on Centaurea virgata, Carthamus ocxycanthus, Artemisia annua and apterous viviparous females and alate viviparous females of Staticobium latifoliae Bozh apterous viviparous females of Staticobium limonii Bozh. The last two species are collected on Limonium latifolium.

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