Double cropping rice systems affect biological parameters of Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

Document Type : Paper, English


1 Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran

2 Rice Research Institute of Iran, Amol

3 Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Sari University of Agriculture

5 Islamic Azad University


The inclination of rice growers towards double cropping system has raised new concerns about changes in pest biological parameters and the excessive release of pesticides in the environment. In this study, some biological traits of the overwintering larvae of Chilo suppressalis (Walker) was compared between single and double cropping rice fields in the northern Iran during 2016 and 2017. Under the same geographical locality, a significantly higher density of the overwintering larvae was observed in double cropping fields during November-March of both years, while larval mortality was lower in double cropping fields. The larvae collected from double cropping fields had significantly wider head capsules and tended to be heavier than those from single cropping ones. Additionally, both male and female pupae collected from double cropping fields had significantly higher body mass than those from single cropping fields. A significant increase in the number of days required for pupation of the overwintering larvae was observed under double cropping system. However, the adult moths emerged from these pupae were significantly higher fecund than those reared from single cropping fields. Results of this study highlight significant changes in some biological traits of C. suppressalis under double cropping system. At least, some of these changes are expected to affect the level of crop damage in the next growing season and thereby, demand higher rates of pesticides for satisfactory management of the pest. Therefore, further studies are needed to explore the pest status and management of C. suppressalis under double cropping system.


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